
Showing posts from June, 2016

What to Expect From Your Internship

Some interns have done work that can change the world, while others have been locked in the mailroom. Where does the happy medium lie? We'll tell you want to expect and what to avoid in your internship. Elizabeth Tinkler was considering a radio career until her internship at a Boston radio station turned her away from it. She was brought on staff as a "promotions intern," where she thought she would help plan events, concerts, and contests. A semester's worth of Saturdays, thousands of stickers, and one state fair later, Tinkler realized that her true job description meant handing out bumper stickers at local events and gas stations. "Working on a Saturday, watching pigs race at a state fair and handing out bumper stickers was not my idea of career development," says Tinkler, 2 But what should you expect from an internship? The definition of an internship varies so widely that it's hard to get a baseline for judgment. So we have developed a guide to show...

Engineering internships: What you need to know

If you’re looking to put your engineering knowledge into practice, an internship could be the next step… Whether you’re still studying, you’ve just graduated, or you’re looking to change careers, gaining some practical experience could be the best way to get your foot in the door, and start a career in the engineering industry. To guide you in the right direction, here are a few things you need to know if you’re considering an engineering internship: What is an engineering internship? An engineering internship is a practical way of providing temporary work experience to those looking to start a career in the engineering industry. They combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills, and offer prospective engineers an opportunity to work on real-life projects, learn more about the industry, and develop the essential skills needed to progress within their field. Why should I do one? Engineering is a highly competitive industry. Gaining some practical, on-the-job experience will help...

Internships promise to boost collaboration

The Coalition’s election promise to boost PhD internships will add to the “unstoppable” momentum for more collaboration between universities and industry, according to the organization set to manage the extra funding. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced on Sunday that a re-elected Coalition government would spend $28.2 million to help the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute expand its PhD internships program nationally, with a particular focus on women researchers. AMSI Director Geoff Prince said that if realized, the commitment would “massively expand” the program and its impact by bankrolling 1400 internships over four years. This would add pressure on universities to add an optional internship component to PhDs, overcoming the “enrolment limbo” many students found themselves in after submitting their theses. “They could continue enrolled fulltime as they took the internship component of their PhD for credit,” Professor Prince said. “At the moment, they’re not eligible ...

College Students: How To Land The Best Internship For You

Quick Summary: Finding the right internship can do everything from providing you with some much needed savings to giving you the edge you need for getting started in the career of your choice. Here are some tips to getting where you want to be in the world of internships. Know where you want to go Be goal orientated and have a career plan. This might seem unnecessary for something as short term as an internship, but can have a significant effect on your future career. Choose an internship which furthers your career plan or develops your skills in a useful, marketable niche. Big companies pay more and may be able to invest more in you during your stay with them but experience gained must be relevant for you to have that edge at a future interview. Networking is worth its usual weight in gold Contacts such as professors and employees of companies where you might want to work are invaluable. Professors often have gained contacts through their academic careers and companies might well co...

Why company prefer employees with Internship experience?

Fresh Graduates often notice that whenever they go for an interview or fill up forms regarding interviews they are asked about the prior work experience. Even for campus placements employers ask the same. Graduates and students often try to take up any jobs during summer break or any vacation to show that they have worked but this is not what the employer wants to see. Indirectly they are asking for specific job experience related to their field which can be easily achieved through internships. Internships are planned so you know how much time you will be employed? What experience you will receive? Sometimes you get even paid for some internship; some might even take you to the opportunity where you get a permanent job offer letter. According to statistics of NACE, there is 80% employee retention rate for an employee selected by internship program for a company for around five years. Employee retention is a major criterion a company evaluates whenever it hires a new resource. With an ...

PursueAsia international Internship Program and how it will be beneficial for Interns?

Do you know how many students are willing to take up internships? According to the survey by NACE approximately 63 % of students took an internship in 2015.Students are now becoming aware of how much an on job experience matters to the companies. A start up or an established companies what to intake only those individuals who have worked in an organisation, who knows the initiative taken to complete the project. Companies do not want to invest time to grooming fresh graduates until and unless they are sure these candidates are clear what they want to do and what is their preferred profile. PursueAsia takes this scenario as a challenge to give the industry some great manpower that they have ever imagined. The international internships provided help with the students to grow as a skilled professional. PursueAsia helps to connect the world students to great organisations who are looking for interns from generic to advanced skillset. PursueAsia has an advantage of beautiful locations and ...

Before You Accept An Internship, Make Sure It Does This One Thing

Internships can be great learning experiences where you get hands-on training from professionals in your field who are grooming you to become the next best thing, all while earning enough money to make rent and occasionally eat something other than ramen. But those are not the kind of internships I’m talking about. This isn’t an argument against internships, but an argument against working for free. Internships have become practically mandatory for college students and recent college grads, largely because universities offer college credit for them as a way to save a little dough on teaching expenses and push professional experience, all while continuing to rake in those sweet tuition dollars. As degrees become more widely held, the need to set yourself apart from the competition is how the unpaid internship managed to snake its way into the American job landscape and take advantage of an educated, but inexperienced workforce. There’s been a lot written on the unethical nature of unpai...

Don't Make These 10 Internship Mistakes

Learn to shine, not stumble, during an internship. Internships can be incredible learning experiences, but they can also harm your reputation if you don't conduct yourself professionally during them. Here are the top 10 mistakes interns make, and how they can avoid them: 1. Scoffing at boring or menial tasks. You might wonder what being good at photocopying has to do with your ability to do higher-level work. But if you excel at the boring tasks and do them cheerfully, you may be given more interesting assignments. That's because when you start as an intern, you typically haven't proven yourself in the work world. If you do a great job on the boring work, show that you pay attention to detail, follow instructions, and care about quality, you're more likely to be trusted with more interesting work. So it's important to go into the job determined to do every task well, no matter how menial. 2. Dressing inappropriately. If you look like you're dressing for a class...

Internship market changes with the economy

When Daron Adkins was medically discharged at 28 — almost a decade into his military career — he was left with no education and no plan other than a longtime dream to work as a web developer. Now, Adkins is part of a growing trend of students dedicating their summer vacations to working internships and co-ops, gaining the valuable experience needed to help them secure a job after graduation. Internships have been around for decades, but Kim Hoyt, coordinator for Cooperative Education and Service Learning at Gulf Coast State College, said their role has changed in the last five years as the job market rebounds from the Great Recession. As businesses recover and thrive, they’re opening up more positions and have to compete to attract the best interns, because students have their pick of companies. “It’s more the student’s market,” Hoyt said. “Now, on my website, I have more jobs and internships posted than I’ve ever seen. I had five or six employers call me yesterday.” A number of degree...

Student intern program a positive push for careers

Libby High School students enrolled in internships through the mentorship program at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center last school year had overwhelmingly positive results, according to program supervisors. Although many of the students were not able to perform some of the duties of the higher-level professionals, they were given hands-on experience, responsibility and accountability. The interns were given experience of the hiring process, including how to write a resume and statement of intent. The students then gave interviews in front of a panel at Cabinet Peaks and were chosen for which professional they were going to shadow. “I haven’t heard of any negative experiences, all fantastic,” mentorship program director April Rewerts said. “The internship made me want to go into the medical field. I got to do my own tests and work with the lab-tech, and see what blood looks like,” Bailey Rosling, a former intern, said. Rosling is currently enrolled at the University of Montana, pursuing a de...

15 Genius Ways to Make an Unpaid Internship worth It

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 65 percent of bachelor’s degree graduates from the class of 2015 took part in internships or co-ops. This number includes both paid and unpaid internships. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has strict guidelines in place for unpaid internships within the for-profit sector, which serve to protect interns and ensure their experiences are worthwhile. Along with providing job training similar to that offered by a vocational school, internships must supply clear benefits for the interns. Despite not offering a paycheck, an unpaid internship can pay off. According to Rebecca Whitmer, a business coordinator for college admissions consulting firm, The Enrichery, internships strengthen resumes, particularly for those who lack pertinent work experience. And unpaid internships have particular upsides, including superior opportunities for networking. Whether you’re about to start an unpaid internship or are already working...

Internships help students better manage their careers

Public sector commissions are looking at how future entry to the public service will change. Beyond graduate programs, should government introduce students to the public service earlier, preparing them to navigate workplace issues? Students who completed internships as part of their university degree are better at making career decisions and are more satisfied with their career choices, research from the UK and Australia shows. It also seems that the longer the internship, the more employable the students feel they are. As part of the research, 136 business students from the University of the West of England and 344 from Edith Cowan University in Western Australia were surveyed online, answering questions on how competent they felt in managing their careers and also which aspects of their internship, if any, made them more prepared in this area. Some of the surveyed students had completed an internship as part of their business degree while others had not. In the UK, an internship for ...

MBA Internship Tips: Getting an Internship

An MBA internship can help you launch your career. Not only does it give you a chance to work at a top company and learn more about your field, but the process of finding an MBA internship can help you clarify your career goals and build lifelong professional connections. Looking to get started with your MBA internship search? Here are six tips from career services directors at three top business schools. 1. Know what your school’s career services department offers “Students who ignore the role of career services are doing themselves a disservice,” states Jonathan Masland, director of career development at Dartmouth’s Tuck Business School. Since each school varies, it’s important to investigate the types of tools and workshops offered by the career services department. Knowing what your school provides will give you an idea of where you can receive outside help as well as what you need to do on your own. There are two different types of MBA internship searches, as identified by Maslan...

Here are 11 tips for new summer interns

So, you’ve landed a summer internship. Sometimes you’re lucky, get meaningful experience and a nice paycheck, and work it into a real job. Other times, you were asked in the interview about all your previous experience, only to be told you’ll be copying for the rest of the summer. Either way, here are some tips on making the most of your experience: 1. Come in early and work late – at least you’re first and last week. First and last appearances count. Even if you have finished all your work, make sure to put in enough face-time at the company, even if they say they don’t care. 2. Be productive. Focus on your work and get it done as soon as possible. Tackle the hardest projects the first thing in the morning. (If you’re not a morning person, become one.) Make sure you check your work before giving it back to your boss, and try to send them stuff as early as possible, not shortly before 5:00 p.m. 3. Meet people. Don’t network to see what’s in it for you. Just be friendly and spend you...

What evidence is there that internships secure employment?

Government and universities alike are pushing to make graduates more employable and internships are often presented as the solution to this. There is a lot of research that shows the virtues of participating in internships but not a lot on whether it actually leads to securing employment. The concept of internships itself is a slippery one. The term internship covers a wide range of experiences from programs to introduce the long-term unemployed to working, to white collar internships for recent university graduates. Internships designed to get jobs for the unemployed are the focus in Australia’s current election campaign. A key example is the Coalition proposed Youth Jobs Path (Prepare, Trial, and Hire) program for youth on income support. Like earlier iterations of work-for-the-dole programs this type of internship forces engagement with work, and has been criticized for being too narrow. Australian research shows that these types of programs restrict young people from searching for ...

Life At A Startup: 5 Interns Tell All

From people posting online about 12-hour work days to late payments, internships with startups seem like a modern-day horror story waiting to be told. In truth, an internship with a startup can teach you valuable soft skills like self discipline and workplace communication. You’ll also get to glimpse into the youthful entrepreneurship environment that powers 99% of Singapore’s enterprise and employs 70% of our workforce. We talked to 5 interns across a few industries to get a fairer picture of startup culture at large. Intern #1 – New Media/Publishing Duration of internship: 3 months What You Did: I created video content for the company’s social media channels, which I operated at times. Problems You Faced: As I had creative freedom to make the videos, I had to figure out how to get the videos to become shareable and go viral, with my supervisor only being able to advise me from the position of a viewer. Deepest Impression about the Internship: I got to meet a lot of new people from a ...

How to land an Internship for Fashion Design?

Fashion designing is a very old and challenging stream. As fashion keeps on changing by season so the people who are working in this industry need to be very creative and their ideas should be fresh. Students or college graduates who are interested in Internship in fashion designing have to be really careful and futuristic towards achieving their goal and placing themselves in the great industry. Here are some strategic steps where you can plan your future in fashion designing and land and Internship opportunity for fashion designing. Show your interest in Fashion-Prepare your profile and resume in such a way where you can show that you are interested in fashion and have creative ideas and are always up to date with the designer world. Read Magazines and follow CEO strategies of big fashion Houses-Read industry related magazines, Dig into success stories, strategy stories etc. Gather information what is in fashion and what is outdated. Research on Profile-Be sure where you want to go a...

Does Internship facilitate you in getting your dream job?

Planning a career ahead helps students to land into their career of their choice. A few years back a lot of emphases were given to academics, parents and teachers would emphasize on getting good grades, getting a chance to go to reputed colleges like Harvard etc. But with this huge change in recent years the perspective has changed even colleges want all-rounder students. The students should be good in grades as well as with a strong personality and work experience. You might be surprised to hear work experience in student days and don't get confused that this is related to earning some extra cash after school working etc. Work experience means internship. Internships provide work experience to the students by working for some company in real projects. Statistic from various survey's shows that 80% of students get selected for jobs if they have done internships during their academic years. These helps students to test their abilities to sustain the pressure of a corporate. Inte...

5 Things to NEVER Do When Interviewing for a Fashion Internship

I went to college in NYC with the intention of making it big in the fashion world. Naturally, I knew getting a stellar internship was the first thing I needed to do to make my dreams come true. A few days after I moved, a friend helped me land an interview in the PR department at Nicole Miller. At the time, I was a cocky, overzealous 19 year-old; so in my head, the internship was already mine. I mean, how could they not like me? What happened once I got to the interview was very different from (in fact, the opposite) of the scenario that I had imagined. Instead of telling me when my first day was, the Director of PR gave me a long list of all the reasons I would never make it in fashion. It was a real lesson straight from the school of hard knocks. At the time, I was devastated, and it took some time to really process and apply what he had told me. Looking back, I am so grateful for the advice because it helped me in the long run, and prevented me from making the same mistakes twice. O...

Internships have value, whether or not students are paid?

Many of us may feel that if you are working for free then you are not being fair. Students hesitate to take up unpaid internships opportunities despite being a reputed company. But this may not be true. Internships may sound unpaid for the interns but it is a cost to the company to facilitate an intern for 2-3 months. Necessary training is provided, experienced people are appointed to provide information and help the interns. The risk is taken by involving them and giving access to them in live projects. So why the internships are called unpaid internships? Are the companies taking advantage of free labour through internships? The answer is no! The companies want to get new ideas but they might not have so many funds to invest but their projects might be very important for an intern’scareer. The experience gained is more important than to be just get paid from the companies point of view also they try to accommodate the intern sand groom them to be future employees. But they want to be...

Guidelines for college students & young professionals seeking Tech career: Turn to Internship.

With a humungous growth in Information Technology and media attention to Tech Giants like Google, Facebook etc. All the students want a technical career very profoundly called as tech career. Student follows the CEOs and other professionals as their role models and follow their career path but is there any proper channel or any coaching which may lead to the successful career in Technology? It’s here to discuss. Students are naïve not all have role models in their family to reach upon. Most of the students go for extra coaching, online learning etc to map up their skills and prepare a career plan. If they are lucky they might get a good mentor in school or college or within the family rest depend on career planners, aptitude tests for intelligence and all. Some see results some don’t. But the best thing is to get proper guidance and know what you are good at and what you can do to define your tech career path is to have a real job experience. Turn your head to Internships. Here are a f...

Pursueasia Dubai International Internship Program

#‎PackFlyConnectRepeat‬ ‪#‎DubaiInternshipProgram‬ ‪##IncredibleIndia #‎collegeInternship‬#‎FinanceInternship‬ ‪ ‬‪ #‎mbainternship‬ ‪#‎InternAbroad‬ ‪#‎studentinternshipopportunities‬

Why company prefer employees with Internship experience?

Fresh Graduates often notice that whenever they go for an interview or fill up forms regarding interviews they are asked about the prior work experience. Even for campus placements employers ask the same. Graduates and students often try to take up any jobs during summer break or any vacation to show that they have worked but this is not what the employer wants to see. Indirectly they are asking for specific job experience related to their field which can be easily achieved through internships. Internships are planned so you know how much time you will be employed? What experience you will receive? Sometimes you get even paid for some internship; some might even take you to the opportunity where you get a permanent job offer letter. According to statistics of NACE, there is 80% employee retention rate for an employee selected by internship program for a company for around five years. Employee retention is a major criterion a company evaluates whenever it hires a new resource. With an i...

What You Need to Do to Land a Last-Minute Summer Internship

It's the first week of June, and college students across the country are gearing up to start their summer internships. But what if you want an internship and don't yet have one? We know you're panicking — we've all been there. No matter how many internships you apply for, each one has its own competitive hiring process, and receiving rejection letters can be disappointing. It's even worse if you booked an internship and it fell through. Things happen — offices close, schedules don't work out. But you have to remember that something else will come up. Every internship program is different, timing-wise, so some companies are hiring their summer interns now, or start their fall program mid-August. Plus, things happen — for the same reason a gig could have fallen through, another could open up. An intern could quit, or a supervisor might need a second intern two weeks into the program. Maybe an entirely different department needs support for a special project. Last-...