Here are 11 tips for new summer interns

So, you’ve landed a summer internship. Sometimes you’re lucky, get meaningful experience and a nice paycheck, and work it into a real job. Other times, you were asked in the interview about all your previous experience, only to be told you’ll be copying for the rest of the summer. Either way, here are some tips on making the most of your experience: 1. Come in early and work late – at least you’re first and last week. First and last appearances count. Even if you have finished all your work, make sure to put in enough face-time at the company, even if they say they don’t care. 2. Be productive. Focus on your work and get it done as soon as possible. Tackle the hardest projects the first thing in the morning. (If you’re not a morning person, become one.) Make sure you check your work before giving it back to your boss, and try to send them stuff as early as possible, not shortly before 5:00 p.m. 3. Meet people. Don’t network to see what’s in it for you. Just be friendly and spend your free time walking the halls and chatting about everything from politics to the NBA Finals. Invite other employees to lunch or coffee. Offer to pay, even if you’re not earning anything. 4. Get to know your bosses. Invite your bosses to lunch and ask them good questions about their career path and how you can take the most advantage of the company. Discuss job hunting and ask for tips; many will offer you a recommendation or a reference without you even asking. 5. See yourself as a part of the company. Go the extra mile to support others and use “we” and “us” when talking about missions, projects, and other employees. Attend company socials and events. 6. Ask good questions. When you meet other employees, research their work and ask substantive questions. Here are some great general questions to ask: “What is the most unexpected thing you’ve learned along the way?” “If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?” “Would you still have this job if you could afford to quit it?” “What do you want to do long term?” “What are the best and worst parts of office culture here?” “What are some really important niche issues that I can work on?” 7. Diffuse conflict intelligently. If you have issues with your boss or other co-workers, remain calm. Give yourself a day to think about plans of action before confronting anyone. With co-workers, talk to them directly. With your boss, do it in writing so you have a trail. Stay calm, hear what they have to say, and consider their point of view. Remember that everyone could just be having a bad day – or month – and it might have nothing to do with you. If it gets abusive, shut the conversation down and escalate it to a superior. Say things like: “Yes, I understand what you are saying. You mean…” Focus on your feelings, not on criticizing them. “It’s hard for me to concentrate and work effectively, when you express constant disappointment and negativity.” Express your own opinions and ask them for advice with phrases like, “Maybe I would feel better if you would…” 8. Ask for real work and stay busy. Don’t be afraid to ask for meaningful work. Express your interest in gaining real skills. Pitch new ideas. If you have free time, do research in an area of interest to the organization and try to become the expert on a small topic. See if you can be more useful by helping with more menial tasks, organizing meetings, and working for multiple bosses. Ask your boss if you can attend company meetings. Just keep everyone in the loop. 9. Set reasonable goals. Tell your boss if you think something is too much work and give them reasonable estimates of how long it will take you to accomplish things. Make sure you can finish every long-term project at least a week before the end of the internship. Don’t take work home if you don’t have to. 10. Admit difficulties. If you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t waste time. Ask your boss who else at the office will know the answer. Try asking secretaries and office managers for more information on the work each employee handles, and ask different people for help. 11. End well and keep in touch! Ask to do a recap presentation at the end of your internship, if possible. Transition any open projects to new employees seamlessly. If you had a work e-mail, make sure you transfer all the e-mail addresses to your personal account let everyone know in person that you’re leaving and plan on keeping in touch. A blast e-mail thanking your boss publicly and expressing appreciation for the opportunity may be appropriate. Thank your boss and give them a handwritten note or small gift. If you’re interested in a full-time position at the company, let them know! Source-bostonglobe For further assistance related to Internship related queries in India, Dubai or Singapore, please visit:


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