Interning Abroad: Tips for a Successful Internship Overseas
In an increasingly global and competitive job market, having experience working abroad can make you an attractive applicant. An international internship may be a great way to advance your career and make you more culturally competent all at once. As you consider whether this is the right option for you, here are some questions to guide your decision-making process. What are the benefits of interning abroad? In the words of, “To distinguish yourself from others in your field, it’s hard to top a real life international internship.” Understanding and knowing how to navigate another culture is an invaluable skill today. “In a global business environment, cross-cultural proficiency — the kind gained through globe-trotting assignments — is at a premium,” according to the Forbes article “Global Mobility: A Win For You and Your Employer.” Beyond providing professional benefits, an internship abroad can help you improve your foreign language skills, introduce you to new culture...